Universidade Estadual De Santa Cruz (UESC)

The State University of Santa Cruz -UESC was founded in 1991, merging a variety of academic institutions located in the twin cities of Ilhéus and Itabuna, it is a leading institution of higher education in south of Bahia.

The UESC is a public University, created by the State of Bahia in 1995 in Ilhéus. UESC provides 33 undergraduate courses and 23 graduate courses in areas that go from Genetics and Molecular Biology and Health Sciences to Computer science and Physics Teaching.

Team Members

Name of Staff MmemberRole Contact Information
Gesil Sampaio Amarante SegundoProject Partner Coordinatorgesil.amarante@gmail.com; Gsamarante@uesc.br
Martha Ximena Torres DelgadoProfessor
Elisa Prestes MasenaProfessor
Thiago ChagasProfessor
Andrea MoregulaProfessor
Thiago Carvalho SilvaSchool Teacher
Tércia BezerraSchool Teacher
Beatriz Goulart AmaranteGraduated Student (Manager)bgamarante.bfi@uesc.br
Eduardo Almeida CostaIT Technician
Isabelle Silva dos Santos da CruzUndergrad student (Computer Science – Webpage)
Felipe Santos do NascimentoUndergrad student (Chemestry – Adaptation of remote chemestry experiments)
Mabel Salvador SantosUndergrad student (Social communication – Communication plan and instruments for CDC)
Allef Silva ImbassahyUndergrad student (Electrical engineering – Experimentos remotos em sistemas fluídicos e térmicos)

UESC already houses one pendulum and it has started recently its physics teaching graduate course, where the e-lab project could also be subject of the collaboration. The teachers training program would be crucial for the integration of this tool in the teaching-learning process, maximizing the already existing pendulum infrastructure, by integrating the knowledge in the Physics curricula, or by using it to support students experiments, that will complement the theoretical learning.

UESC will be the leader of the work package 4 (Capacity Building on growing the network). Furthermore, the following tasks will be carried out by the partner:

  • Making use of toolkits
  • Availability of MOOCs to all the community
  • Final Report & Project closing
  • Sustainability of the project – Meetings with stakeholders; Crowd funding service implementation
  • Creation of Guidelines to the WPA.

For further information about us please visit our website: