Who are we?

The World pendulum Alliance (WP@ELAB) project is a three-year initiative approved for funding under the European Commission’s Erasmus+ – KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the Field fo Higher Education. The project is coordinated by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) – Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal).

WP@ELAB aims to improve the quality of higher education, in the fields of mathematics and sciences, by deploying a global network of remote experiments.
As specific objectives, we may appoint:

  • Set-up the World Pendulum Alliance network.
  • Provide training activities for capacity building on the use of new learning resources: remote experiments.
  • Promote cooperation between the European Union (EU) and partner countries.
  • Creating Massive Open On-line Courses (MOOCs) related to the World Pendulum experiment serving science, math and ICT education.
  • Release a toolkit for remote experiments, promoting the development and education in ICT methodologies.
  • Contributing to the development of remote laboratories.

The Project will reach these aims by deploying an international shared network operated and exploited by all EU and Partner Countries HEIs. The Project is highly related to HEIs technological learning tools, public open access contents and attractive to the development of hardware, microprocessors and software. Focus will be put on the link of methodologies and pedagogical approaches to ICT- based practices. Pendulum deployment is not restrict to HEIs, can include secondary schools, museums and other public spaces, answering in this way to a clear need that Latin America countries have in increasing students’ knowledge in science and math.